Windows Phone 7 Mobile Operating System

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Windows Phone 7 Mobile Operating System | After falling behind within the smartphone game, Microsoft recently released its brand-new Mobile Operating System, Windows Phone 7. The software titan contains a ton of catching up to try to to, and that we ought to hear concerning its latest progress at the fair.

Windows Phone 7 Mobile Operating System

Windows Phone 7 Mobile Operating System

With rumours swirling around concerning the aforementioned dual-core Android phones and a Verizon iPhone, one must marvel if Microsoft stands an opportunity. the corporate has high hopes that its new strategy can win customers' hearts.
"We're taking responsibility holistically for the product," said Joe Belfiore, corporate vice president of the Windows Phone program at Microsoft, in an earlier interview with "It's a very human-centric way of thinking about it. A real person is going to pick up a phone in their hand, choose one, buy it, leave the store, configure it and live with it for two years. That's determined by the hardware, software, application and services. We're trying to think about all those parts such that the human experience is great."
At CES 2011, expect to hear about the latest Windows Phone 7 handsets and a major milestone: a partnership with Verizon. 2011 might be Microsoft's make-it-or-break-it year with Windows Phone 7. -Brian Chen. Source :